Since this action research study aims to measure
students’ behavioral engagement, I will rely on a mixed methods approach, using
classroom observations and student surveys. Seeing that I cannot teach and
observe at the same time I will videotape my lessons with my focus class. As I
am testing to see if storytelling engages more students than TPR and songs, I
will teach and videotape two separate lessons with the same class. For the
control lesson, I will use more traditional methods and introduce body parts
using gestures and a song. In the experimental lesson, I will use the familiar
story of Little Red Riding Hood using the same target vocabulary. In both
lessons, students will be encouraged to participate by answering questions,
talking with partners, and either singing or acting out the story.
feelings of competence influence how students engage behaviorally during
classroom instruction, I will have students will fill out a short Likert item survey
after each lesson to determine how they felt about their comprehension and
their participation during the lesson.
Teachers and researchers agree that there are many
potential benefits to student engagement, but accurate measurement is necessary
(Carter, et al., 2012). With that in mind, I will review the videos of the two
different lessons and describe each students’ behavior during the instruction. This
qualitative data will then be coded and analyzed for specific patterns, using
constant comparative coding.
addition to describing the student behavior in the videos, I will also try to
quantify their behavior using interaction analysis. The study, “Scaffolding for
student engagement in Elementary School Reading Instruction” (2006) conducted
by Lutz, Guthrie, and Davis also tried to measure student engagement in class.
In this study, the researchers took efforts to decide what engagement looked
like before watching the videos of instruction. They created a protocol whereby
they assigned a point value to each reaction (Lutz, Guthrie, and Davis, 2006). Malloy, Parsons, and Parsons (2013) took
this instrument and adapted it for their study on student engagement (appendix
A). Students’ body language and their behavior during class express unconscious
thoughts (Marshall, 2010). A kinesic analysis of their body language and
participation in class will allow me to see which types of activities engage
their interest. By using the preset
rubric with the different reactions will allow me as their teacher to assess my
students’ behavior in a more neutral manner.
I will view the videos and score each students’ behavior according to
the rubric in appendix A every 30 seconds. This microanalysis of their behavior
will give me a more detailed picture.
The scores will be tallied and using descriptive statistics, I will
analyze the results.
after each lesson, students will also fill out a short survey with Likert items
on how they performed during class that day. These questions come from the
Classroom Engagement Inventory devised by Ze, Bergin, and Bergin (2014) for
their study “Measuring Engagement in Fourth to Twelfth Grade Classrooms: The
Classroom Engagement Inventory” (appendix B). Since this study focuses
primarily on behavioral engagement I have only included those questions
relating to behaviors in class. I discarded questions that relate to affective
and cognitive engagement from the survey and I added one additional question
about how much they comprehended what was going on during class since I conduct
classes mostly in Spanish with very little English. Combined with the nonverbal
analysis of the students’ behavior during class, these surveys will allow
students to express their feelings regarding the lessons and how well they paid
attention and focused during the class.
Carter, C. P., Reschly, A. L., Lovelace, M. D.,
Appleton, J. J., & Thompson, D. (2012). Measuring Student Engagement among
Elementary Students: Pilot of the Student Engagement Instrument--Elementary
Version. School Psychology Quarterly,
27(2), 61-73.
S. L., Guthrie, J. T., & Davis, M. H. (2006). Scaffolding for Engagement in
Elementary School Reading Instruction. Journal
Of Educational Research, 100(1), 3-20.
J. A., Parsons, S. A., & Parsons, A. W. (2013). Methods for Evaluating
Literacy Engagement as a Fluid Construct. Literacy
Research Association Yearbook, 62124-139.
C. (2010). Data collection methods. In Designing qualitative research (pp.
97–150). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Retrieved from
W., Bergin, C., & Bergin, D. A. (2014). Measuring Engagement in Fourth to
Twelfth Grade Classrooms: The Classroom Engagement Inventory. School Psychology Quarterly, 29(4),
517-535. doi:10.1037/spq0000050
Appendix A: Behavioral Engagement Rating
Scale (Taken from Malloy, Parsons, & Parsons, 2013)
Clearly not engaged
Sighs, looks bored,
yawns, head down, distracted by something unrelated to the task, not
participating, not paying attention, off task
Difficult to tell
Bland expression,
monotone, not off task but not particularly involved, wavering attention to
teacher/classmate/task, flipping pages without looking, attention but partial
attention, appears interested, clearly on task, posture toward speaker (does
this for an entire minute); other evidence: writing, speaking, clearly
listening, brief response
Highly engaged
Posture or tone
reflects enthusiasm or excitement, eagerness to participate, response reveals
deep or critical thinking, makes connections, response is extensive,
Appendix B: Behavioral Engagement Survey
Questions (Adapted from Ze, Bergin, & Bergin, 2014).
1-Strongly disagree
5-Strongly Agree
I get really
involved in class activities.
I actively
participate in class discussions.
I form new
questions in my mind as I join in class activities.
I compare things I
am learning with things I already knew.
I work with other
students and we learn from each other.
I can understand
the meaning of the lesson even though it’s in Spanish.